With LEVs as the perfect solution we are pushing the transformation of transportation forward.

E-mobility is the solution for the transport transition. We are the association that is driving it forward.

Aiming to build a new economic sector that will have the same importance as the automotive industry, we act as a platform for knowledge exchange, technology transfer and cooperation brokering.

Dafür agieren wir als Plattform für Wissensaustausch, Technologietransfer und Kooperationsvermittlung. So können wir einen neuen Wirtschaftszweig aufbauen, der in wenigen Jahren den gleichen Stellenwert haben wird, wie die Automobilindustrie. Weltweit.

In addition, we want to spread enthusiasm for electric light vehicles and awareness of their advantages to a wider audience and thus promote the creation of a new transport infrastructure for more livable cities.

In addition, we want to spread enthusiasm for electric light vehicles and awareness of their advantages to a wider audience and thus promote the creation of a new transport infrastructure for livable cities.

By initiating technological standardization, we want to facilitate the development of LEV'S and provide consumers with more safety and convenient, cross-type battery replacement.

By creating technological standards, we want to facilitate the development of electric light vehicles and provide consumers with greater safety, value retention and convenient, cross-type battery replacement.

As a lobby group, we act at the political level and ensure effective public communication right through to the end consumer.

As a lobby group, we act at the political level and ensure effective public communication right through to the end consumer.

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