After the fat years of Corona, the bicycle industry and trade in Germany are still in crisis mode. Contrary to earlier expectations, things could get even worse in 2025, according to a study by Roland Berger. Banks are pulling out and the wave of insolvencies is likely to continue.
This trend has also left its mark on the fairnamic exhibition company, which organizes the world's leading trade fair EUROBIKE. What was titled Future Mobility in 2023 and was little more than lip service became an Eco-Mobility platform in 2024 and showcased environmentally friendly cargo solutions from cargo bikes to small e-light trucks on around 180 square meters.
Perhaps to compensate for the wave of bankruptcies in the bicycle industry, but also to prepare for a possible future with new forms of mobility, the Eurobike Eco-Mobility platform in Hall 8, curated by Konrad Otto-Zimmermann, will be presented three times as large from June 25 to 29, 2025. In addition to the cargo theme, the various mobility options for families will also be shown there in a kind of experience world in 2025.
In addition, we are considering holding a fine/light mobility conference with the aim of further sharpening the LEV industry's understanding. Anyone who would like to delve deeper into the topic can download the standard work "Fine Mobility" free of charge at the following link:
Nach dem herausragenden Erfolg der IAA MOBILITY 2023 setzt die IAA MOBILITY Ihren Weg als führende globale Plattform für Mobilität, Nachhaltigkeit und Tech fort. Unter dem Motto „It's All About Mobility“ wird München vom 9. Bis 14. September 2025 erneut zur weltweiten Leistungsschau von Innovationen rund um Mobilität.
Das spiegelt sich in der breiten Themenvielfalt wider – von innovativen Fahrzeugtechnologien und Infrastrukturlösungen bis hin zu Softwareentwicklungen und neuen Mobilitätstrends.
Durch die Ausrichtung auf zukunftsweisende Lösungen wie Elektrofahrzeuge, autonomes Fahren und innovative Verkehrskonzepte betont die IAA MOBILITY ihr Versprechen, führend bei der Gestaltung der Mobilität der Zukunft zu sein und plant in der Münchner Innenstadt eine weitläufige Sektion mit Probefahrtmöglichkeiten auch für Light Electric Vehicle.
Dabei wird sich die Messegesellschaft noch daran gewöhnen müssen, dass die zumeist kleinen LEV-Hersteller bei weitem nicht die Standgebühren zahlen können, wie das jahrelang die Automobilkonzerne praktiziert haben. Noch fehlt es den Ausrichtern auch ein bisschen an Know-how, denn wer sich alles im Segment der LEV tummelt, ist für die Organisatoren noch etwas diffus.
Next year, VELO Berlin will take place as usual on the Tempelhofer Feld on the weekend of May 10th and 11th, 2025. However, due to renovation work in and on the historic airport building, the public fair will probably be somewhat smaller. In 2024, LEVi set up a 150 square meter joint stand for the presentation of light vehicles and thus presented e-mopeds and e-light cars for the first time at a bicycle fair. This was surprisingly well received by the public, which is why initial exploratory talks for 2025 are underway.
Unlike the other two trade fair companies, VELO Berlin is not actively trying to integrate new mobility concepts, but was absolutely open to all ideas put forward by our side.
A LEV joint stand and a stronger integration into the conference and stage program are again being discussed. In addition, LEVi would like to draw the public's attention to the topic of electric light mobility with a choreographed parade on the field consisting of all LEV vehicle types.
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Tel. 49 30 23 00 69 0
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CONSTIN GmbH – All rights reserved.