Our roadmap for the manifesto

October 30, 2024 I By Julia Lange

Our roadmap for the “Manifesto”

– Online Petition

Die politischen Mühlen mahlen langsam, und dass der demokratische Prozess nicht immer zu den vielleicht besten Ergebnissen führt, sehen wir tagtäglich bei der Ampelkoalition.

Die Demokratie gibt uns aber auch Handlungsspielraum und ermöglicht uns eine direkte Einflussnahme. Vorausgesetzt wir sind „viele“, die sich einig sind.

Our manifesto "Transportation transition with electric light mobility" pragmatically shows options for action on how the transformation of individual mobility could be driven forward with the variety of vehicles available in the light mobility sector, from monowheels to scooters and microcars, in order to leverage the CO2 savings potential of 57 million tons CO2eq calculated by the DLR and at the same time bring a new branch of industry to life.

We have now published the manifesto as a printed brochure and, once the petition submitted for it has been activated, will send it to the committees for economics, climate, transport and education at the federal level in mid-November. We will also submit our proposals at the state level and try to put pressure on the Berlin Ministry of Transport in particular.

To ensure that the manifesto attracts as much attention as possible, we have submitted an identical petition. However, in order to obtain a hearing in the Bundestag, petitioners at the federal level need 30,000 signatures within 6 weeks.

This is an ambitious goal, considering that the three major associations Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Greenpeace and Friday for Future were only able to win 53,000 co-plaintiffs for the future lawsuit.

The past few months have taught us how difficult it is to convince people to take action, even if it is just clicking a yes/no button or giving a like. Nevertheless, we hope that so many people are now disappointed with current transport policy that they will willingly sign and, what is at least as important, share and promote our petition in their networks in order to finally get the transport transition moving.

If you haven’t taken a closer look at our manifesto yet, you should do so right away.

It is important to remember that even if one or the other point may not seem fully developed, this is initially a list of demands intended to drive political discourse so that the individual, differentiated points can then be implemented.

Sign the petition now

It is up to each individual to get involved in shaping our future and to live the opportunities of the democracy given to us.


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