LEVI as a guest at ALEXA

"electrically easy into the future"

Under this motto, LEVI initiated a LEV exhibition from July 10 to 15, 2023 as part of the Environmental Days of the ALEXA shopping center in Berlin.

The exhibition was intended to give the public a tangible insight into the entire spectrum of alternative mobility with light electric vehicles and to inform them about the opportunities with regard to the transport transition and the associated goals.

LEVs als Mobilitätsalternative

In conversation with visitors to the exhibition, it quickly became clear that many would like to do without their cars, but that the bicycle as an alternative is often not sufficient for their various needs.

That it is with dHardly any of the visitors knew that there are now many vehicle solutions tailored to different needs in the electric light mobility segment, and so there were many aha moments and great praise for the informative exhibition.

target group 50

Interest in car alternatives was particularly high among the older audience. They want individual mobility for shopping, meetings in the local area and doctor's appointments.

The Hopper was particularly popular with this target group. Equipped with three wheels, it not only offers stability but also allows two people to ride it plus luggage.

The kickTrike cargo scooter also impressed this age group as a great mobility alternative and adequate shopping aid. The only downside for those interested: neither vehicle is yet in series production.

In summary, it can be said that transporting shopping and driving with two people is the main focus for the 50 target group. Other basic requirements are stability, ie the vehicle does not have to be balanced, and convenience, in terms of easy entry and exit and a comfortable seating position. Vehicle speed and range play a subordinate role or seem irrelevant for this target group.

The light mobility solutions for the older target groups also meet the demand for social justice, because they also enable older people and people with limited mobility to participate in traffic individually and independently.

At 32° Celsius on the test track

The MC E-Bike, the Ari E-cargo moped, the E-Schwalbe, the Ari 902 light car and the Ari 458 compact transporter were also available for a test drive behind the center. However, the high temperatures posed a challenge for the visitors, so many quickly fled back to the center.

Probefahrt mit Kick

Wer sich jedoch von den hohen Temperaturen und der Hitze nicht zurückhalten ließ und die Gelegenheit nutzte, der wurde mit einem elektrisierenden Fahrerlebnis belohnt.


Ein E-Leichtfahrzeug fährt sich halt anders, und die Spritzigkeit dieser Fahrzeuge überzeugte einfach jeden und zauberte viele Lächeln in die Gesichter der Testfahrer.

Am Ende blieb nur noch die Frage: "Was kostet mich das?"

Even if the younger generation still dreams of getting a driver's license at 18 and owning their own car, the real interest is more in a two-wheeled solution. The main arguments here are the lower purchase price and the fact that you can simply drive past traffic jams and get to your destination faster. The iconic cult scooter Schwalbe scored points here with its robust design and snappy look.

Driving solutions that can be driven without a license are of course just as popular with younger people, but many older people were also convinced by the fun factor, such as the cool CoffeeCruiser from MC E-Bike. Practically everyone wanted this e-bike, which is also possible with "Jobrad". "Jobrad" was completely unknown to most of the interested parties, but was praised with astonishment.

Serious competition

With the Ari 902, the automotive industry is facing serious competition from the light vehicle sector. The two-seater impresses with its digital display, rear view camera, large trunk and modern design, and is in no way inferior to a conventional car. The fact that it can be charged using a conventional Schuko socket was also convincing.


Die notwendige Transformation des Verkehrs hat die Bundesbürger in zwei Lager gespalten und so tobt nun in der öffentlichen Meinungsbildung der Straßenkampf "Auto vs. Fahrrad". Dass die Leichtmobilität ein Bindeglied zwischen diesen Lagern und eine probate Lösung für unsere Verkehrproblematik sein kann, hat diese Veranstaltung zumindest den interessierten Besuchern veranschaulicht.


Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle noch einmal beim ALEXA für die Möglichkeit der Präsentation, und bei den Vertriebsteams der Aussteller für die tolle Zeit bedanken. 


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