18.06.2024 I By Silvia Josten I 2 min. reading time
18.06.2024 I By Silvia Josten I 2 min. reading time
18.06.2024 I By Silvia Josten I 2 min. reading time
electricar, the magazine for the mobility of tomorrow, in cooperation with the InstituteNew Mobilitythe best e-models in all categories.
BEST IN CLASS– this is the new specialist award for electric cars. From light vehicles to luxury SUVs, the outstanding electric vehicles are awarded prizes – and across all classes, the best e-car of the year is also awarded.
The winners are chosen by a high-caliber jury. Among them is Kurt Sigl, who describes this recognition as particularly valuable: "It is a unique award that is not just limited to classic cars, but deals with a wide range of new mobility on wheels."
The following jury members are also represented:
Insgesamt gibt es 158 Nominierungen in 12 Kategorien:
Die Nominierten werden in einem Sonderheft ausführlich vorgestellt, welches du hier kostenfrei downloaden kannst:
electricar, the magazine for the mobility of tomorrow, in cooperation with the InstituteNew Mobilitythe best e-models in all categories.
BEST IN CLASS– this is the new specialist award for electric cars. From light vehicles to luxury SUVs, the outstanding electric vehicles are awarded – and across all classes, the best e-car of the year is also awarded.
The winners are chosen by a high-caliber jury. Among them is Kurt Sigl, who describes this recognition as particularly valuable: "It is a unique award that is not just limited to classic cars, but deals with a wide range of new mobility on wheels."
The following jury members are also represented:
There are a total of 158 nominations in 12 categories:
The nominees are presented in detail in a special issue, which you can download free of charge here:
In this first special edition of the award BEST IN CLASS you will find the models that made it into the circle of nominees after a comprehensive selection based on pure factual analysis. It is a strong line-up with many well-known, sometimes surprising applicants. Each in their own way, with their special character, by definition a class of their own.
For us at voylt it is a great honour to be among the nominees in the category
"pioneer of the mobility transition"to belong.
"Mit dem Informationsportal voylt fördert die visionE GmbH die Mobilitätswende hin zu einer nachhaltigen Mobilität. Es bietet umfassende Informationen über Elektromobilität und Mikromobilität und unterstützt Nutzer bei der Auswahl des passenden E-Fahrzeugs. Sowohl Hersteller als auch Dienstleister erhalten mit voylt die ideale Plattform zur Vermarktung ihrer Produkte."
"Mit dem Informationsportal voylt fördert die visionE GmbH die Mobilitätswende hin zu einer nachhaltigen Mobilität. Es bietet umfassende Informationen über Elektromobilität und Mikromobilität und unterstützt Nutzer bei der Auswahl des passenden E-Fahrzeugs. Sowohl Hersteller als auch Dienstleister erhalten mit voylt die ideale Plattform zur Vermarktung ihrer Produkte."
As a reader of electricar, you can also become part of the jury and help decide who will win the coveted trophy. Every participant has the chance to win attractive prizes.
All award winners will be announced and duly celebrated at a major event at the e4 Testival on October 26, 2024 at the Hockenheimring.
Auch du kannst als Leser der electricar Teil der Jury werden und mitbestimmen, wer Gewinner der begehrten Trophäe wird. Jeder Teilnehmer hat die Chance auf attraktive Gewinne.
All award winners will be announced and duly celebrated at a major event at the e4 Testival on October 26, 2024 at the Hockenheimring.
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